Grants and Foundations
Support from local businesses serves as a vital foundation for the funds and services that help us fulfill our mission. We express our gratitude to our sponsors for their generous support, and we encourage you to extend your patronage to them in return. Thank you to all our sponsors. If you're interested in becoming a Glen Gives sponsor, please reach out to us. You can email us here.
Oregon Community Foundation
The Rotary Club of Greater Bend
100 + Women Who Care
Central Oregon
The Brown Family Foundation
Boyd Family Foundation
Business Sponsors
Ariana Restaurant
Awbrey Glen Golf Club
Brasada Ranch Golf Resort
Brooks Winery
Crosswater Golf Resort
Fred Meyer
Galaxy Wine Company
Headlands Coastal Lodge
Hoodoo Ski Resort
Insure Bend
Jackalope Grill
John L Scott Real Estate
Johnson Brothers
La-Z-Boy Furniture
Les Schwab
Stoller Family Wine
Think Wild Central Oregon
Willamette Valley Vineyards